Upcoming Opportunities to Get Involved: 2025 Spring Semester!
As we approach Spring and new beginnings, we’d like to take this time to announce upcoming opportunities to get involved! Whether that be as a blog writer, staff for the blog or the association at large, or even as an editor for our annual academic event of the year, the Colloquium, there’s sure to be a position for you. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated as events and details are finalized, and is subject to change without notice. This page is intended solely to allow students a look into future events. Please refer to our Instagram page for more up-to-date notices @ubc_esa Special Announcements Academic Events…
ESA 2023-24 Elections are Open!
The academic year is coming to an end and so it’s time to start thinking about next year’s executive team. As an ESA executive, you will work with a team of like-minded students to find different ways of cultivating a community within the English department while also promoting English studies as an accessible and fun option available to anyone. From our annual ice cream social to outreach events such as the Poetry Collection, you will have the opportunity to hold big and small events and collaborate with the English department, or even other clubs! To be eligible for this election, you must be an official member of the ESA. This…
Trigger warning for brief and non-explicit mention of death
The Angels
Donnie and Bonnie, two beautiful little losers, lay themselves down underneath the bleachers while talking about life.
Sweaters and Otherworldly Things
In a dim corner of the local space museum, sat a young woman, her neck slumped down. Hunched over a tangle of red wool, her eyes locked on the material in an unblinking, trance-like focus.
A Minute of Your Time
She’s coming home from the grocery store when she meets him. He’s leaning against the wall near the entrance, and she’s trying to juggle her shopping bags with the search for the key to get into the building. “Excuse me, ma’am. Could I have a few minutes of your time?”
End Credits
Trigger warnings: plane crash, major character death
Already Dead
Content warnings: supernatural, ominous, murder.
To Be a Man
The glass doors would always hum, rattle and sing beneath even the slightest strain. It was lucky, Tommy thought, that they hadn't flown off their hinges this afternoon, what with all the force it had taken to crack them open.
At the Cafe We Used to Frequent
Nina thought about the question very carefully, chasing the rim of her cup with the tip of her finger. She valued the quiet inside of the café—it had a real weight to it.
Trigger warning: mentions of panic attacks and self-harm.
Every day from late June to the end of August (yes, every day) I’d pick Sam up in my dad’s Ford and we’d go down to our spot. It was everyone’s spot, really, but Sam liked to call it ours. She’d once told me she never felt more at home than out there, like it was the only place she belonged in the world.
The Trail
Disclaimer: This piece deals with the death and killing of animals, namely fish. Although it is not overly explicit, the action of hitting it over the head, as well as blood is mentioned.
Onward Otis: The Empathic Onion
For the first time Otis felt the warmth of the sun as it kissed his outer skin. The only feeling of warmth Otis knew was felt through the dirt.
I was heading to work when the first goat arrived.
My Mother’s Shadow
PHOEBE Drip drip. My eyes jolt open as I am greeted by the tranquil pitter patter of rain outside my fogged window. It hasn't rained all summer in New York since I moved here. My mom and I found this three story apartment to sublet for summer. I guess the girl before didn’t think to mention the leak in the ceiling.
A Bizarre Night
I do not normally believe in these things. But today, I am compelled to share this, my friend’s personal account of a bizarre night with you, hoping to elicit some answer of what might have happened to my friend.
Annual ESA Short Story Competition!
Attention writers and UBC creatives! It’s that time of year when we host the ESA’s annual short story competition, back for its second year. Do you have a short story, sitting forlorn and alone in your google drive? Submit! Are you desperate for an excuse to procrastinate your homework by flexing your creative muscles? Write and submit!
The Ninth Annual Colloquium: Call for Editor and Paper Submissions!
The English Students’ Association is now calling for submissions to our ninth annual student run conference, the Colloquium! The Colloquium is the ESA’s undergraduate conference focused on highlighting the research and scholarship of the UBC English program. Each year, the conference features presentations by undergraduate students in English language and literature, and will be held on March 10th 2023. Our paper submission deadline is Friday, January 27th, 2023 at 11:59 pm. If you do not have a paper to submit but still want to get involved, we are also looking for editors. Applications for editors are due on Monday, January 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 PM. Click here for Application for…
Barter Rings
before I was born I was granted a rite to ceremony, but it is not enough not when there are no more barter rings and only your ring-bearer bartering