Meet the Profs 2018
A huge thank you to everyone who came out to our Meet the Profs event – both profs and students! An extra special thank you goes out to all the professors who stayed to chat with students, including:
- Elizabeth Hodgson
- Y-Dang Troeung
- Miranda Burgess
- Scott MacKenzie
- Deanna Kreisel
We hope everyone enjoyed the icebreaker questions – who doesn’t want to know how much caffeine everyone else consumes on a daily basis, or what your profs’ biggest pet peeves are for student essays?
Our top event highlights:
- Finding out how late everyone else has stayed up to finish writing an essay – good to know we’re not alone (courtesy of our icebreaker question: What is the latest hour you stayed up until to finish writing an essay?)
- In addition to chips of the Bacon and Sour Cream variety, we also had fruit! Shoutout to everyone on the Exec Team who supported this healthy choice.
- And of course, chatting with profs and students, whether that was discussing research interests, finding what words people can never spell correctly (pronunciation and broccoli come to mind) or finding out who the best (meaning worst) literary villains are (Milton’s Satan comes pretty close!)
Don’t forget to save the date for our next event, our Halloween Party! You can find more information on Facebook or below:
Time: Tues Oct 30, 5PM – 6:30 PM
Location: RBC on Campus (AMS Student Nest)
Ready for some spOoOooOky Halloween literary fun, the eve before Hallow’s Eve? We’ll be hosting our Halloween Party at RBC in the Nest, where we’ll have treats, light refreshments and a game of WEREWOLF! (which is like Mafia, but spookier)! Come if you dare!