From the crow’s nest, to the deck, to the deep blue sea, the UBC English Students’ Association is looking for crew. Join us this year for legendairy ice cream cake socials (dates TBA), Shakesbeer pub nights, and fabulous Garden Statuary soirees. For more information on these and other ESA-sponsored events, drop us a line at english.ubc@gmail.com.
The Captain invites quick-witted buoys and girls to join Lifeboat Club: a writing collective/not-so-secret society founded upon one of the greatest jokes of our generation (Send us an “Ahoy!” to lifeboat.club@gmail.com). Landlubbers will be pleased to note that the ESA also hosts English Majors and Honours Careers night, where sage advice and an abundance of sugary confections will be available to all.
Our partner publication, The Garden Statuary, is a veritable treasure trove of student writing, artwork, music, and film. We hope you’ll read, submit to, and support our online edition at www.thegardenstatuary.com; a print version of TGS will debut in Spring 2013. Fair winds and a following sea!
♥ UBC ESA 2012-13