7 Poets to Follow on Instagram that aren’t Rupi Kaur
If you have been living anywhere that isn’t under a rock for the past 4 years, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard of Rupi Kaur. She has captivated readers with her two simple yet incredibly resonant collections of poetry: Milk and Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers. Her 3.1 million Instagram followers wait daily for her to post another poem. This being said, if you’re anything like me you’re probably a little tired of hearing about Rupi Kaur and are looking for something new. Below are 7 other poets to help refresh your Instagram feed.
Atticus is my favourite poet on Instagram, so much so that I bought his poetry collection “Love Her Wild”. His poems are often very short, usually about love and are a stunning display of breathtakingly beautiful imagery. While he remains anonymous, most people believe that Atticus is from BC.
Gemma’s posts are a work of art. Each poem is illustrated with flowers, feathers and tiny slices of nature that help emphasize the love and loss that she writes about.
Nikita’s poems are longer than the average Instagram poem, which makes her stand out from the other micro poems that flood Instagram. Nikita’s poems tackle what it’s like to be a girl in the 21st century and encourage women to challenge the status quo.
Tyler’s poems look like they’re written with a typewriter, which give them an amazing vintage vibe. His account alternates between these typewritten poems, beautiful landscapes and photographs of his handwritten poetry.
Simplicity is Alison’s strong suit. Her poems are usually one phrase, two at most, but that is all she needs.
Poetry on this account is sent in from poets all over the world who use colour and shade to make poems out of poems.
This might be cheating a little because Mari is more of an illustrator than a poet, but her account is one of my favourites on all of Instagram. Somehow, Mari manages to capture that thing that nobody can quite put into words and displays it beautifully through her watercolour illustrations and perfectly said words.
Christina is a third year English student and professional dog-petter. When she’s not writing a paper on Shakespeare, she can be found singing with UBC Acapella, looking at pictures of Hawaii on Instagram or perfecting her vegan mac and cheese recipe.
Image by GDJ via Pixabay. License: CC0 Creative Commons