2021-2022 Team
Executive Team 2021-2022
Ria Nair- President

Favourite study spot on campus: Scarfe library
Most interesting course you have taken at UBC: ENGL 328 (Metaphor, Language, and Thought)
Last book you read: Pride and Prejudice…again
What advice would you give to first year you? Chat with your profs! Even if you don’t have specific questions related to class content, show interest in their research! You will learn more during those conversations than during the entire school term.
Your go-to coffee order: Einspänner
A fun fact about yourself: My full name is a palindrome.
What is your favourite part about being in the ESA? Organizing fun events and meeting everyone who attends!
Alice Deng- VP Student Events

4th year | Major: English (Honours), French minor
Hi! My name is Alice and this fall I will be going into my 4th year majoring in English Honours and minoring in French. My favourite spot to study on campus is in IKB or Loafe. The last book I read was Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut! Outside of school, you can usually find me catching up with my friends and (not) doing my assignments in an assortment of local cafes (my favourite being Aperture). A fun fact about me is that I’ve been skydiving and my favourite part about being in the ESA would definitely be the fact that I’m able to meet new people with similar interests! I’m looking forward to this upcoming winter session as your VP of Student Events!
Atticus Yus – VP Operations

4th year | Dual degree: English literature (BA), Geographical Sciences (BSc)
My name is Atticus, and I am so excited to be the ESA’s VP Operations and blog admin this year! If you are interested in writing for the blog, then please contact me at blog@ubcenglish.com.
Favourite study spot on campus: Education library
Most interesting course you have taken at UBC: A tie between EOSC 220- Introductory Mineralogy, and ENGL 348- Shakespeare.
Go to coffee order: iced latte with soy milk
A fun fact about yourself: I am a cosplayer! I have a collection of over thirty wigs and love to make my own costumes.
What is your favourite part about being in the ESA? Meeting other English students and learning about their niche interests while talking about my own. Side note- if you ever want to discuss queer coding in Jane Eyre, talk to me. I wrote a dissertation on it!
Dylan Annandale- VP Treasurer

4th year | Major: Honours English Lit.
Favourite study spot on campus: Anywhere outside.
Most interesting course you have taken at UBC? APBI 316, Applied Plant Breeding!
What advice would you give to first year you? Go to office hours!
Last book you read: Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood
Your go-to coffee order? Probably the cheapest option.
Favourite part about being in the ESA? Meeting like-minded people!
Luiza Ortiz- VP Marketing

4th year | Major: English Lit, Poli Sci minor.
Favourite study spot on campus: The room at the back of IKB
Last book you read? My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell.
Most interesting course you have taken at UBC? ARCL 228 Forensic Archeology.
Your go-to coffee order? Mocha with extra whip 🙂
Advice you would give to first-year you? You’re not going to learn french in 6 months, stop it.
A fun fact about yourself: I cross-stitch to help with stress
Favourite part about being in the ESA? Meeting other people!
Chloe Fike- VP Social Programming

3rd year | Major: Honours English Language and Literature with a minor in History
Favourite study spot on campus: the nest
Most interesting course: SOCI 250: Crime and Society
Last book you read? Fledgling by Octavia Butler.
Go-to coffee order: Iced Vanilla Latte with oat milk
Advice you would give to first year you? spend more time out of your room! UBC campus has so much to see, explore!
A fun fact about yourself: In 2019 I traveled to 5 countries in 2 weeks.
What is your favourite part about being in the ESA? making connections with other English students.
Leila Avdic- Honours Representative

4th year | Major: Honours English Language and Literature with a minor in Sociology
Favourite study spot on campus: Woodward library
Most interesting course you have taken at UBC? ENGL 366.
Last book you read: The Institute by Stephen King
Go to coffee order: Chai lattes
Advice you would give to first year you? Try to start making lasting impressions and getting to know your professors
A fun fact about yourself: My cat went viral on TikTok
What is your favourite part about being in the ESA? Meeting people who have alike interests and goals
Alicia Ying- Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Representative

4th year | Major: English Language, minor in Law and Society
Favourite study spot on campus: Law Library or Woodward
Most interesting course you’ve taken: CLST 308 – Roman Law
Last book you read? The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner
Go-to coffee order: matcha frappuccino/latte
Some advice you’d give to yourself in first-year: to spend more time on campus instead of going straight to the bus stop after class!
A fun fact about yourself: I’m named after Alicia Silverstone (Cher in Clueless) and Phoebe from Friends because my dad thought they were cute
Favourite part about being in the ESA: getting to be more involved with the English community on campus!